Youtube Marketing | How To Create YouTube Channel and How to Rank Your Video

Youtube Marketing

What is YouTube Marketing?

YouTube Marketing Best video Promotional social media , When you are marketing, video marketing is called marketing you can promote advertisements by promoting your own or company's videos or by posting videos,

How To Open YouTube Channel?

You need a verified Gmail account to open the YouTube Channel
First Go To:

Click Right Corner Option -> Create Studio -> channel

Verified Your Mobile YouTube Channel By Mobile Number

Then Go To Advance

Select County United State-> Save

Then Go To Status and features -> Magnetization To Click Enable

Then need 4 step verification:

1: YouTube Partner Program terms accepted
2: Ad Sense Requested
3: Magnetization preferences set
4: Last: Get reviewed after reaching 4,000 watch hours in the previous 12 months and 1,000 subscribers

Note : When Your Channel 1k Sub And 4K Thousand Viewer then you can apply for final monetization

Youtube Marketing | How To Create YouTube Channel and How to Rank Your Video Youtube Marketing | How To Create YouTube Channel and How to Rank Your Video Reviewed by Webcoder-IT on June 03, 2019 Rating: 5


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